There’s an old adage that reads, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” While these words can apply to many different scenarios, they serve as a great reminder that it’s never too late to switch student information systems. Allow us to explain.  

The software you chose for your school twenty years ago — or even two — does not have to be the software you use forever. In fact, it shouldn’t be. As your school grows and evolves, your software needs will, too. Many schools choose an SIS and soon realize they are managing multiple databases with multiple records per person. This style of data management is ineffective and leads to data integrity issues and poor user experiences for families and school staff. 

Sound familiar? You’re not alone. We spoke with three schools who struggled with data management for years with Blackbaud as their SIS. Keep reading to learn about their challenges and why they switched to Veracross’s one-person, one-record student information system.  

The Randolph School 

The Randolph School began its search for a new SIS in 2017 after decades with Blackbaud. They had accumulated years and years of data in the system, along with multiple records per person. Deborah Brink, Director of Information Services, knew this was problematic and that it was time to either clean up their SIS or start fresh. 

The school chose to start fresh. They launched a search for a new SIS and evaluated multiple vendors, including Veracross. After watching product demos and assessing each vendor based on the school’s list of SIS requirements, Brink and her team unanimously selected Veracross based on the one-record capability 

They were also impressed by the ability to access data quickly and easily, enhanced security role management, and the comprehensiveness of the platform. Brink was particularly pleased by the query functionality within Veracross. “That was so much better than anything I had seen in Blackbaud,” she says.  

Additionally, Randolph School felt that Veracross would help them provide a better family experience with a one-stop shop for parents and students. Instead of having multiple locations for parents to view report cards, grades, and class schedules, it can all be done in a Veracross portal. 

Park City Day School 

At Park City Day School, the lack of communication and customer support from their previous SIS vendor became a breaking point for faculty and staff. “In every meeting we came to as an admin team, there was always something said about Blackbaud and a frustration,” says Julia Farnes, Content and Technology Manager at Park City Day School. “It just became a recurring theme.” 

Not to mention the database itself, which was clogged with multiple records per person, outdated security roles, and inaccurate data. “We were at the point where it was so bad that we needed to start over, and we’re also not getting the service that we felt was our money’s worth. And that’s why we made the decision to move away,” says Farnes. 

Farnes took the lead on evaluating potential SIS vendors. She was introduced to Veracross by a friend at another school and was drawn to the user-friendly interface, one-record database, and customer support model. After hearing further positive feedback about Veracross from neighboring schools and parents, Park City Day School was convinced it was the right solution for their community.  

Montrose School 

At Montrose School, multiple databases and Blackbaud’s difficult-to-use interface created a headache for staff, faculty, and parents. “The user end was not user-friendly for administration or our parents,” says Montrose School’s IT Coordinator, Betsy White. “We also had about five databases, so we had to create an email group for any time someone got information from a parent who couldn’t update it themselves.” 

White gathered stakeholders and listed out the school’s primary pain points and requirements for a new solution. At the top of their list? Frustrations with Blackbaud’s support, training, and overall lack of user-friendliness. Based on this criteria, Montrose School evaluated several SIS vendors and settled on Veracross as their new SIS. “Our different pain points were covered the most by Veracross,” says White.  

The added benefit of a single-record database meant they could eliminate other applications, saving valuable time and money in the process. White also found the interface more modern, user-friendly, and intuitive. “The actual functionality is so much better,” says White.  

Lastly, Montrose School felt empowered by Veracross’s training resources and support model. “I never found the knowledge base articles in Blackbaud very helpful,” says White. “It was very hard for me to try to solve my problems or my questions by myself, whereas in Veracross I can ask the easiest questions and get an answer right away.”  

Moving to Veracross 

No matter where you are on your software journey, it’s never too late to switch gears. The right SIS provider will partner with you to make the transition as seamless as possible for your school community. Watch our on-demand webinar to learn more about Randolph School, Park City Day School, and Montrose School’s transition to Veracross.